KFC Vrasene

zaterdag, 08. maart 2025 19:30 o'clock
KVC Borsbeke   SK Munkzwalm
KVC Borsbeke - SK Munkzwalm


Match Date: zaterdag, 08. maart 2025
Game time: 19:30 o'clock


KVC Borsbeke Statistics SK Munkzwalm
38,89% Chances 61,12%
12 Current rank 7
4 Games 4
1/0/3 W/D/L (Total) 1/2/1
1/0/1 W/D/L (Home) 1/1/0
0/0/2 W/D/L (Away) 0/1/1
3 Points 5
9 : 10 Goals 10 : 7
-1 Difference 3
KVC Borsbeke - KFC Vrasene 3:1 Highest home victory SK Munkzwalm - HRS Haasdonk 4:0
KVC Borsbeke - SK Berlare 3:4 Highest home defeat ----
---- Highest away win ----
SK Denderhoutem - KVC Borsbeke 4:3 Highest loss away KSV Sottegem - SK Munkzwalm 3:2

KVC Borsbeke - SK Munkzwalm

Data from KVC Borsbeke

League Games Won Draw Lost Score for Score against
League Home wins Home draw Home defeats Away wins Away draws Away defeats

Overview of the games by result and number

Wenn sie auf einen Reiter klicken, erhalten sie die dateillierten Übersichten.
Goals Frequency
Goals Frequency
Goals Frequency


1e Provinciale 2024-2025
8 zondag, 20. oktober 2024 15:00 SK Munkzwalm SK Munkzwalm - KVC Borsbeke KVC Borsbeke -
24 zaterdag, 08. maart 2025 19:30 KVC Borsbeke KVC Borsbeke - SK Munkzwalm SK Munkzwalm -

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